Cayetana Lado

Legal Counsel and Secretary of the Board,

Cayetana Lado

Cayetana Lado Castro-Rial has a Law Degree from the University of A Coruña and has belonged to the State Bar since 2004.

After joining the State Bar, she went on to provide services in the State Bar of Ourense and A Coruña. Between 2009 and 2013, she held the position of General Legal Counsel Director of the Xunta de Galicia. Between 2016 and 2018, she was attached to the AEAT's General Sub-Directorate of Legal Organization and Assistance, holding the position of State Attorney-Deputy Chief. In 2018, she was appointed State Attorney-Head of the Bankruptcy Department of the General Subdirectorate of Litigation Services of the State Attorney General, a position she has held to date.

She has combined her extensive professional experience with teaching and academic activity, as a master's professor of International Law at ISDE (Higher Institute of Law and Economics - Spain), and participating in numerous courses and conferences on bankruptcy matters. In addition, she has collaborated in the publication of various collective works on administrative law, among others, and has published a variety of doctrinal articles.

As the Legal Counsel Director, she is in charge of designing and proposing internal policies within the areas for which she is responsible and providing legal advice on the policies proposed by other units to ensure the Institute's correct functioning. In addition, she promotes Regulatory Compliance in the Institute and centralises the Institute's procurement, while coordinating and supervising the activity of the units reporting to her.
She is also directly responsible for supervising the functions of the Technical Secretariat, including the management of matters relating to ICO's General Board, and relations with Public Administrations, Entities and Agencies that rely on the operation of this.

The Asset Operations Advisory Department, the Economic Policy and Financial Operations Advisory Department, the European Affairs, Institutional and State Funds Advisory Department, the Compliance Department and the Procurement Department all report to the Legal Department.