Noemí García Mojedano
Head of Information Systems

Noemí García Mojedano is a Technical Engineer in Computer Systems from the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, specialising in JAVA architecture and open systems.
She began her professional career in 1998 by developing management applications for stock market operators and programming automatons. In 2000 she started her career in the Internet world by developing web portals, e-banking and B2B e-commerce platforms.
Since 2003, when she joined ICO as an applications technician, she has been responsible for the development of ICO's extranet for relations with financial institutions, as well as other applications for financial risk management, SWIFT communications, information systems interconnection and migration of host systems to JAVA.
As Head of Information Systems, she is responsible for designing, coordinating and promoting the actions of the information systems, as well as proposing the IT strategy and internal policies in the field of technology and assessing, coordinating and supervising the IT projects developed in ICO.
The following units report to the Information Systems Directorate: Applications Development Unit, Platforms Unit, Digital Solutions Unit, and IT Management Unit MRR.